
Defeat of Proposition L

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I am writing in response to a Times article “Supporters of Defeated Library Measure Blame Loss on Holden” (Metro, Nov. 10).

I don’t take the blame for defeating Proposition L. I intended to defeat Proposition L and I take the credit for that defeat. Foremost, I give credit to the people of Los Angeles for voting to defeat this proposition.

Proposition L’s primary function was to raise additional funds to rebuild the Central Library and re-sell it to a private developer. I would not sit idly by and permit the City Council and the mayor to sell the Central Library to a private developer for 25 years for a net loan of approximately $12 million, and then have to pay $110 million to repurchase the Central Library, while the developer would profit by taking advantage of tax breaks during that time span.


I thoroughly supported the portion of Proposition L that stated it would have provided money for building new libraries and making other libraries earthquake safe.

To show my support, I introduced a motion requesting the city attorney to draft an ordinance to be placed on the April ballot which would provide funds to build new libraries and rehabilitate old libraries. I have also asked the city attorney to draft an ordinance that would take away the authority from City Council and the mayor to sell historical monuments owned by the city, such as the Central Library and City Hall. Then, these historic monuments could not be sold without the vote of the people.

The people will have the last word! They will have an opportunity to vote next April 11 to retain ownership of the Central Library and City Hall, for now and forever.



Councilman, Los Angeles
