
Hearing on Bathhouse Closure


A Los Angeles hearing examiner is scheduled to consider an appeal Saturday by the owner of a Wilmington bathhouse facing closure by the city, and representatives of a Wilmington homeowners group are planning to speak against the business.

At issue is the fate of Glen’s 1350 Club West at 510 W. Anaheim St. Hearing examiner Daryl Fisher ruled in July that Glen’s must close under a city ordinance prohibiting sexually oriented businesses near residential neighborhoods.

Glen’s is challenging the decision on the basis that it would cause the business economic hardship. The law provides for such an exemption.


Joann Wysocki, vice president of the Wilmington Home Owners, said a busload of Wilmington residents will travel downtown for the 2 p.m. hearing, which is scheduled for Room 651-A in Los Angeles City Hall. The bus will leave from 515 W. Opp St. at 1 p.m., she said.
