
Barr Syndrome


Through the veil of eloquence of Lawrence Christon’s critique of “Roseanne” was glimpsed the comedy critic’s now-familiar inherent dislike of all things comedic and his refusal to participate in the comedy community (“Does Roseanne Rise Above It All?” Calendar, Dec. 11).

In a time when there is an unprecedented number of stand-up comedians (approx. 3,000) working in America, it seems ironic that the Los Angeles Times chooses to keep a person on the comedy beat whose tastes run to Mort Sahl and Shecky Greene, period.

It is quite possible that Roseanne Barr’s sitcom is trite, that it will never achieve the stature of the classic “Honeymooners” series, and perhaps it is mere perversity that would lead anyone to watch it. I urge Christon to consider the bottom line, that is, does it make you laugh? If only Christon would emerge from his ivory tower just once, gaze down upon the masses and realize that America has many families who are a lot like Roseanne Barr’s TV family!


There is such a wealth of grand comedic talent in the work force today, comics who represent every walk of life, and The Times is just letting the parade pass by. And all because of Christon’s dull world view.


Los Angeles
