
For Smoking Ban

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Before the 1984 season, (when the attendance was much lower) we could go to the stadium, find seats away from the smoking crowd and enjoy major league baseball.

When they started the nonsmoking sections, I thought this would be a great idea and a solution for my respiratory problems. Wrong! There were more smokers than nonsmokers in the no-smoking section. And if you try to tell a smoker that you are bothered by their pollution, many would rather fight than be deprived of their pacifier, even if they are in a nonsmoking area.

The way that the smoke drifts from one area to another, the only solution for those with health problems or bothered by smoke inhalation, is to have smoking banned completely from all parts of the stadium.


Because of this unfortunate situation, we have not attended a game in five years. Even though baseball is my favorite pastime, I’ll continue to support sports such as basketball and indoor soccer, where they enforce a no-smoking policy, until the stadium starts enforcing this policy.


San Diego
