
Hauling Conscience Out of the Cold

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“Something has to be done to help the homeless.” It’s being talked and read about every day, yet whatever is done seems merely temporary.

For instance: Some motels or hotels provide temporary shelter. Now on account of the recent cold spell, an armory will open its doors to house some of the needy. Food is being distributed. County social service agencies are trying to help solve the problem. Yet, as I see it all happening, it is temporary help.

Having seen the sick, the helpless, the direly in need of care, I have a suggestion which will get rid of each city’s problem.


Purchase land in rural country to build a community for all these helpless people. Build barracks, a hospital and cultivate its land. Have its administration provide something to do for each able person there. Create a feeling that life is worthwhile and renew self-respect.

It takes money. Funds from state and city and county. Then too, from churches. For instance; Have Dr. Schuller of Garden Grove Crystal Cathedral ask its Sunday congregation to donate $1 dollar to make this community possible. Millions of donated dollars from millions of churchgoers can make this plan come true.


