
NATION : Marines File Charges Against 3 Over Death of Corporal in Desert


Marine commanders have brought charges against a lieutenant and two sergeants in the death of a Marine who was left behind in the Mojave Desert during a training exercise, the Marine Corps said today.

Earlier this week, the top two commanders of the Marine’s battalion were relieved of command over the death of Lance Cpl. Jason Rother, 19, of Minneapolis. He was left behind Aug. 30 and died of heat stroke.

The military today said it has ordered a court-martial against 1st Lt. Allen V. Lawson, who was in charge of posting Rother as a road guide for the exercise, on charges of disobeying an order, dereliction of duty and conduct unbecoming an officer. In addition, Sgt. Christopher Clyde, Rother’s platoon sergeant, and Sgt. Thomas Turnell, Rother’s squad leader, were charged with offenses including dereliction of duty and disobeying an order, the Marine Corp said.
