
Enforcement of Condominium Rules

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As a resident for 20 years in the large Condominium Assn. of the Bluffs in Newport Beach, I am very concerned as I do not feel our association’s board of directors is interested enough in the enforcement of the covenants, conventions and restrictions and the rules which were in effect at the time I purchased my property. These CC&Rs; are incorporated into my grant deed, and I feel it is my right that these CC&Rs; and rules be enforced by our association board of directors.

I should not be required to look into open garages for many hours at a time while the occupant leaves the garage door open, or to listen to the noise as a neighbor runs power equipment, or to look at trash cans for days in advance of collection and when they are not promptly removed from the street afterward.

In addition, we have narrow streets and cars are not permitted to park in the street except under certain conditions. However, owners and renters persist in parking in the streets, causing congestion and making it difficult to drive down the streets, even though ample guest parking is available adjoining the streets.


It is my opinion that condominium living requires more cooperation by the residents than individual home ownership. Residents should try to follow the requirements and rules to obtain a pleasant neighborhood with high standards.

It is the duty and responsibility of the members of the association’s board of directors to see that the CC&Rs; and rules are enforced. What use are they if they are not enforced?


Newport Beach
