
Bengals May Have Lost, but Vegas Casinos Didn’t

Los Vegas casino owner Bob Stupak might have won the biggest wager ever made on a football game in a Nevada sport book Sunday when laid down $1,050,000 on the Cincinnati Bengals plus 7 points, but other bookmakers didn’t do too badly, either.

More money was bet on the San Francisco 49ers than the Bengals, and the casinos began counting their profits after the 49ers won 20-16, but failed to cover the point spread.

“We had the biggest profit ever on a single football game,” said Bob Gregorka, odds maker at the Frontier Hotel. “It made our whole year. We doubled our profit for the rest of the year on this game.”


Bettors wagered up to $40 million with the state’s legal sports books, much of it coming in a final frenzied weekend of action.

Meanwhile, thousands of people lined San Francisco’s Market Street Monday to welcome home the Super Bowl champions, cheering, screaming, blowing horns and pledging undying loyalty as the team paraded by on motorized cable cars.
