
Montebello : Vote on Eminent Domain Ordinances Postponed

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The Montebello City Council on Monday postponed a vote on whether to repeal a pair of controversial redevelopment ordinances or call for an election to let city voters approve or reject the measures.

A residents group called South Montebello Area Residents Together staged a successful referendum petition drive that last week suspended enactment of the ordinances until they are voted on or rescinded.

The ordinances would give the city’s Redevelopment Agency condemnation powers to clear the way for new development in two areas of south Montebello. Owner-occupied, single-family residences would be exempt from eminent domain. And the Redevelopment Agency would be required by state law to pay fair market value for any property it acquires by eminent domain.


Council members Arnold M. Glasman, Art Payan and Kathy Salazar postponed a decision on the advice of City Atty. Henry Barbosa. Council members William Nighswonger and Edward Pizzorno are abstaining because they have financial interests in the redevelopment areas. Barbosa said he needs time to determine if their abstentions affect the number of votes needed to set an election or repeal the ordinances. City officials did not know when the issue would come before the council.
