
‘Letter’ to Ex-President Praised for Its Honesty

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Mr. Kaplan strays far from his area of expertise when he chastises Mr. Reagan for not orienting eight years of decision-making as President around Mr. Kaplan’s pet projects.

Mr. Kaplan holds Mr. Reagan singularly accountable for the budget deficits, while simultaneously chastising him for seeking to cut $100 million from the Los Angeles Metro Rail project, clearly one of the biggest boondogles ever to come down the pike. You can’t have it both ways, Mr. Kaplan.

Mr. Kaplan seeks to lay the blame for every ill of Los Angeles and of society in general at the feet of Mr. Reagan. This approach deserves three responses. First, it is clearly wrong. This nation is in far better position economically and vis-a-vis the rest of the world due to Mr. Reagan’s efforts. Second, Mr. Kaplan should stick to what he knows and leave the editorial writing for someone else. Third, as a matter of pure ethics, Mr. Reagan ceased to be fair game for personal attacks at noon on Jan. 20.



Thousand Oaks

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