
Local News in Brief : Judge May Release McMartin Defendant

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Saying that Raymond Buckey has been jailed for an “excessive” period, a Los Angeles Superior Court judge said he may free the McMartin Pre-School molestation case defendant today after verifying more than $3 million in property pledges.

“He has already completed the equivalent of a 10-year state prison term,” said Judge William Pounders, who delayed a final decision until this afternoon. “I want him released as soon as possible.”

The judge said his decision is not a comment on Buckey’s innocence or guilt, but only on the time he has served--five years--without being convicted. His trial, in its 22nd month, is expected to last through summer.


Buckey, 30, and his mother, Peggy McMartin Buckey, face 65 counts of child molestation and conspiracy involving 11 children who attended their family run nursery school in Manhattan Beach. She was freed on bail early in 1986, but he is being held in lieu of $1.5-million bail. Under state law, real estate assessed at double the amount of bail may be substituted for cash.

Prosecutors said they will request that Buckey be placed under guard. Buckey’s attorney said his client might be required not to associate with any minor children and not to go into Manhattan Beach, where the preschool was located.
