
Officer Kills Attacker Who Came at Him With Board

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Times Staff Writer

A man believed to be in his early 30s was shot to death Tuesday by a San Diego police officer who said the man charged at him with a 3-foot board, authorities said.

The shooting occurred on a bicycle path near Palm City in the South Bay as Police Officer James E. Kremer was on routine patrol near Main Street and Saturn Boulevard, police said.

Kremer had been assigned to South Bay for three days and was familiarizing himself with the area when he drove past the man shortly after 6 a.m., said Sgt. Ray Sigwalt. Kremer then reached a dead-end and turned back in the direction of the man, who had taken off his shirt and was apparently working out by lifting a large concrete block, Sigwalt said.


The man then blocked Kremer’s path and began walking toward the patrol car. When Kremer got out of the car, the man began to yell, “You’re not a police officer,” Sigwalt said. Kremer backed up about 100 yards and called for cover with his walkie-talkie.

Sigwalt said the man then reached to the ground for a 2-by-6-inch board about 3 feet long and rushed toward the officer while holding the board above his head.

Kremer then dropped his walkie-talkie, drew a 9-millimeter semi-automatic pistol, and shot the man once in the chest, killing him instantly, Sigwalt said.


A bicyclist who passed by and witnessed the scene was also confronted by the assailant, Sigwalt said.

The dead man was decribed as white, 5-foot-10, weighing about 205 pounds with “dishwater blond,” wavy hair combed straight back. Sigwalt said the man had multiple tattoos on his arms including one of a skull with wings and one of an eagle carrying a swastika.

He carried no identification and police do not know his identity. Kremer, 25, has been with the department for a year and will be taken off field duty as a matter of routine while the shooting is being investigated.
