
Local News in Brief : Anaheim : 3 ‘Skinheads’ Blamed for School Stabbing

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Three “skinheads” stabbed and robbed a student at Loara High School shortly after classes let out for the day Tuesday, police said.

The victim, identified only as a 17-year-old male, was in stable condition at UCI Medical Center in Orange with two wounds to the leg and abdomen, according to Anaheim Police Sgt. Jim George.

School officials summoned police about 3:30 p.m., but George could not say whether the attack occurred in the school or on the grounds.


George said the student was stabbed with a “butterfly” knife, a knife that flips open with a flick of the wrist. Police could not say how much money was stolen from the youth.

The attackers were identified as three boys ages 16 to 17 with shaved heads, leading police to identify them as skinheads, or members of a group of youths with shaved heads who espouse white supremacy.

The attackers were described as white males, each between 5 foot 3 inches and 5 foot 7 inches tall, and each weighing 120 to 150 pounds, George said.
