
Local News in Brief : DWP Will Look Out for Seniors in Need

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Los Angeles Department of Water and Power employees will watch for signs that senior citizens are in financial need and will refer service providers to them, Mayor Tom Bradley announced Monday.

Bradley unveiled the new program, “Serving Our Seniors,” before a group of elderly people at a Fairfax-area senior center.

The program will employ the DWP’s army of workers to aid the Department of Aging in finding elderly people who might be in trouble.


“For some of these seniors living in isolation, without contact with friends or relatives, DWP field employees may be their first line of help,” Bradley said.

He said DWP workers “will heighten their interactions with senior citizens,” looking for signs of trouble.

The names of seniors who field workers think might have problems--and those who are having trouble paying their utility bills--will be referred to the Department of Aging, whose agents will let the seniors know what services are available to them, Bradley said.
