
Planned Parenthood Pro-Choice Rally Scheduled to Counter Operation Rescue

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In an effort to counter anti-abortion protests from Operation Rescue, Planned Parenthood of Orange County and Los Angeles will hold a pro-choice rally Sunday afternoon at Cal State Long Beach.

Speakers, including attorney Gloria Allred and celebrities Morgan Fairchild and Carole Hemingway, will be recruiting volunteers to hinder Operation Rescue blockades scheduled for March 23 through March 25 at as yet undisclosed family planning clinics in Orange and Los Angeles counties.

The pro-choice rally will take place from 3 to 5 p.m. at the speakers’ platform on the campus, which is at 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach.


Meanwhile, Operation Rescue--the New York-based organization which boasts of 20,000 arrests as a result of clinic blockades--has scheduled rallies at 7 p.m. each night from March 22 to 24 at Melodyland Christian Center, 400 W. Freedman Way, Anaheim. The deployment location for the following day’s sit-ins will be announced at the rallies.
