
Pro-Life, Pro-Choice

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In response to the letter from Ruth Sultzbach on the abortion debate (Orange County section, March 12), I must agree with her claim that pro-lifers are anti-choice. Anti-choice out of necessity, to give the unborn a chance to make future choices and decisions in their own lives.

If Sultzbach is intellectually honest and really wants to “get our terms straight,” then she must realize that pro-choice compels a no-choice on the life in the unborn.

In her letter, Ruth Sultzbach complains of the “cruel harassment of each woman entering the clinic.” So be it. The “cruel harassment” of the women pales in comparison to the flesh-tearing treatment of the never-to-be-born baby resulting from “pro-choicers’ ” actions.


Sultzbach argues that pro-lifers seek to destroy the abortion-seeking woman’s right to life, and her right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” What pro-choice proponents fail to realize, or naively try to ignore, is the cause and effect of decisions and actions.

In short, the decisions and actions taken resulted in the creation of life. Taking that life, regardless of how it is packaged, is killing.

Back to Sultzbach’s original argument: Yes, let’s “get our terms straight.” Pro-choicers are pro-killers.



Mission Viejo
