
Photography Center Sets Lecture Series

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In honor of the 150th anniversary of the art of photography, the Los Angeles Photography Center will launch a lecture series that will feature nine Southern California photographers next month.

Called “Visual Statement,” the series will take place each Wednesday and Saturday night, 7:30-10 p.m., at the center, 412 South Park View St. Each program will consist of a slide show, lecture, exhibition and question-and-answer period.

“We felt it was a good opportunity to spotlight photographers who work in Southern California, and give the community a chance to interact with them. Too often, the only place you see the works of these photographers is in books and we want to let the public see them in action,” said Willie Middlebrook, director of the center, which currently boasts 500 members.


The schedule:

April 1, Bruce Barnbaum, nature photography; April 5, Jose Galvez, Los Angeles Times photographer; April 8, Kenda North, on the 24x24-inch Polaroid; April 12, Robert Glenn Ketchum, landscape photography; April 15, Laura Parker, fine art photography; April 19, Ray McSavaney, landscape/nature photography; April 22, Bruce W. Palamon, photojournalism (covered the ’84 and ’88 Jesse Jackson presidential campaigns for Time magazine); April 26, Meibao Nee, Asian-American culture photography; April 29, Jan Pietrzak, nature photography.
