
Condor Egg Laid at Park Proves Fertile

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Another egg laid by captive California condors at the San Diego Wild Animal Park has been found to be fertile, a park spokesman said Tuesday.

The egg, produced last Thursday by the female AC8 and the male AC5, is the first produced by the couple, who were both captured in the wild, according to Tom Hanscom. He added that there is a good chance that the female will lay another egg in the next 30 days. AC stands for adult condor.

The two are hardly new at parenting. “Both have produced offspring that are held in the captive flock,” Hanscom said. AC8 has six offspring in captivity, AC5 has one.


Six eggs have been laid this year, Hanscom said.

The birds are part of a captive breeding program begun in 1980 to try to replenish the nearly extinct species.
