
South Pasadena : Home Burglaries Down 52%

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The Police Department says public education and high-visibility law enforcement has resulted in a 52% decrease in residential burglaries during the first three months of this year.

But officials are still concerned about the problem. The totals for the first quarter of 1989 include 13 burglaries in March, all but two of them during daylight working hours.

“This is a bedroom community, and there’s money here,” said Detective Kent Stoddard. “The burglars will take television sets, if that’s what they’re into. But most of the time the burglars are looking for money or jewelry, small items they can conceal in their clothing and walk down the street looking normal.”


Police have suggested that residents use hardened dead-bolt locks, lock all points of entry including windows, keep gates closed and make a note of serial numbers on all valuables.
