
Lucky Lady


Jackie Collins--who took on the ladies-who-lunch set in “Hollywood Wives,” the men who run after them in “Hollywood Husbands,” and music biz types in “Rock Star”--now has set her sights on studio execs. They are the subject of “Lady Boss,” due out next year.

“If you thought that people were nervous about ‘Hollywood Wives,’ they’re going to be triply nervous about ‘Lady Boss,’ ” predicts Collins, who’s still writing it.

“Lady Boss” is her third novel about Lucky Santangelo, the daughter of a Mafioso last seen running a Vegas casino in “Lucky.” This time out, Lucky buys a Hollywood studio, “and she doesn’t take any crap from anybody,” Collins told us. The character, added the author, “has all the charm of Sherry Lansing, all the power of Marvin Davis, and all the language of Dawn Steel.”

No TV deal on “Lady Boss” yet, but Collins is adapting its precursors, “Chances” and “Lucky,” into a mini-series about the Santangelo family for NBC.
