
The Resistance at KMEX-TV to Univision’s ‘Cubanization’

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I read with interest Victor Valle’s May 19 account of the “ethnic” fight at TV station KMEX, where Mexican-Americans are resisting “Cubanization” of the huge Univision Spanish-language network.

Reluctantly I agree with those who are resisting. It seems amazing that the Anglo owners can find only one Mexican-American, Emma Carrasco, to be among their eight highest-ranking executives. We must remember that Mexicans and Mexican-Americans used to own and run this 500-affiliate network.

One important point that Valle did not touch on was the uneasiness that we Mexican-Americans have regarding the Cuban community’s pro-Contra and anti-communist views. Before CNN took over the Telemundo network news agenda, the Cuban outfit supplying this product continuously used to editorialize the news when it dealt with the Nicaraguan Sandinistas. It got to be so outrageously biased that I just stopped watching.



Los Angeles
