
Retirement Center Suit Filed

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Two Rancho Palos Verdes homeowners who led an unsuccessful fight against city approval of a retirement center are going to court to try to force a reduction in the size of the project. Plans call for 250 independent living units and a 100-bed health-care facility on 34 acres at Crestridge Road and Crenshaw Boulevard above Peninsula Center.

John Arand, who filed suit in Torrance Superior Court along with resident Anthony Segreto, said the action seeks a court order rescinding Planning Commission and City Council approval of the Marriott Corp. project in its present form. It calls for a new study of the development’s environmental impact.

“We do not want to kill it, but it is so big in an area of steep slopes and a dense population,” said Arand, likening the proposed building to a “castle on the Rhine.” He said residents want a development of no more than 150 units and 50 or 60 health-care beds in smaller buildings.


City Manager Dennis McDuffie said he believes the court will reject the suit, saying that the project went through many hours of discussion and public hearings before various city agencies and was scaled down from the original proposal. “All issues were covered and the council made a logical decision,” he said.

A hearing has been set for June 20 at 9 a.m. in Department J of Torrance Superior Court, but Richard Knickerbocker, attorney for the residents, said he will request a postponement because he has not yet obtained city records in the case.
