
Hospital Receives Award


Huntington Memorial Hospital has received the third annual transportation award of excellence from Commuter Transportation Services (Commuter Computer). The award recognizes outstanding efforts to improve air-quality, traffic and parking problems.

The hospital’s commuter alternatives program provides for monetary incentives, facility improvements and a marketing program to encourage ride-sharing among its 3,500 employees. The Huntington was the first organization in Pasadena to hire a full-time coordinator to implement the program.

The plan offers subsidies for new van pools and nearly half-price bus passes. After employees pay for a month’s worth of bus tickets or van pool expenses, the hospital pays the fees for the second month. Employees then must resume the payments.


The hospital plans to add 140 preferred parking spaces for car pools and van pools.

The plan also calls for a hospital shuttle service for employees who live within half a mile of the hospital and guarantees a ride home in case of emergency for any employee who ride shares.
