

Clipboard researched by Kathie Bozanich and Elena Brunet / Los Angeles Times; Graphics by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

Passenger traffic at all five county Amtrak stations increased during the first quarter (January through March) of this year over last year’s comparable period. The biggest change was the 98% jump at San Clemente. Here’s how this year compares to last in the number of people boarding and leaving Amtrak trains in the county:

* First First Increase in Increase in Quarter ’89 Quarter ’88 Number Percent San Clemente ** 2,261 1,143 1,118 98.0 Anaheim 36,102 34,533 1,569 5.0 Santa Ana 81,130 68,511 12,619 16.0 San Juan Capistrano 80,558 73,751 6,807 8.0 Fullerton 78,935 75,784 3,151 4.0 TOTAL 278,986 253,722 25,264 10.0

* Ended March 30; most recent data available.

** Amtrak trains make five stops daily at the San Clemente station and 15 in Anaheim, compared to 16 stops at each of the other Orange County stations.


Source: Amtrak
