
Laguna Niguel : Crown Valley Pool Work OKd in Budget

Reconstruction of the swimming pool at Crown Valley Community Park is among the projects funded in the new $5.6-million budget of the Laguna Niguel Community Services District.

The district, which is governed by a board of directors, receives a portion of property taxes from residents within the area. The district also gets several state grants each year.

The 1989-90 budget for the Community Services District was approved July 5 and includes more than $2 million in construction projects, including work on the Crown Valley Community Park pool. Other projects included in the new budget are for the development of Hidden Hills Neighborhood Park, for a slope-revegetation program, and for buying a central irrigation control system.


“Also included in the budget are funds for the planting of the Laguna Niguel Botanical Preserve, restoration of the upper soccer field at Crown Valley Community Park, and the replacement of the pedestrian footbridge at Crown Valley Community Park,” said Pamela Van Haun, assistant to the district’s general manager.
