
‘Phoenix Series’ of Sunday Concerts Will Benefit Central Library Fund

The Eastlake Victorian Inn, in conjunction with the Los Angeles Library Assn., has announced a “Phoenix Series” of Sunday afternoon concerts in August to assist the Central Library Fund in replacing numerous books on music lost in the 1986 fire.

The concerts--each 3:30-5 p.m., including a tasting of wines from Santa Inez vineyards--will be held in the landscaped gardens of the inn, 1442 Kellam Ave., a mile from downtown Los Angeles.

Concert artists will be: Aug. 6, Suzanne Ackerman’s contemporary folk sounds and Submedia’s electronic wizardry; Aug. 13, saxophonist Lynn Johnston and improvisational jazz by Page Eight; Aug. 20, the Mighty Echoes, an a cappella doo-wop group; Aug. 27, chamber music by the woodwind quintet Musique Chambre.


Cost, including the wine tasting, is $10 for adults, $7 for students with ID (series tickets $25 and $15, respectively). Reservations are recommended. Call the inn at (213) 250-1620.
