
Long Beach : Donations Aid Food Bank


A wave of donations in response to the theft of two tons of food has enabled the Second Harvest Food Bank of the Greater South Bay to make its deliveries and continue normal operations, a food bank official said.

The food bank, target of four break-ins over 10 days, also lost typewriters, personal computers, a facsimile machine, tools and other office equipment. Police said no suspects have been found.

John Knapp, executive director of the food bank, said individuals, charitable organizations and corporations have donated both equipment and food in response to the break-ins. He said the food bank received 55 calls from donors in a day and a half.


“I didn’t expect (the donations) this fast and this intense,” he said. “We’re still not back to where we were before, but we’ve got the basics down.”

The food bank, on San Francisco Avenue in Long Beach, serves people who live as far away as South Los Angeles.
