
Beverly Hills : Law Classes for Lay People

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The Beverly Hills Bar Assn. is offering classes for the public on how the legal system works.

Taught by specialized attorneys, the classes will deal with how the courts operate, family law, protection for the elderly and the incapacitated, insurance, landlord-tenant relations, buying a house, wills and trusts, and probate.

Kathryn Ballsun, president-elect of the bar association, said the 7 to 9 p.m. classes are being offered for a $20, one-time fee. The first class was to be held earlier this week, but the bar association is still accepting students for the classes, which will meet at the Beverly Hills Municipal Court.


“We have been besieged with requests for years for this kind of public service,” Ballsun said.

Further information is available from Barbara Avis at the association, (213) 553-6644.
