
Liberal Thinkings vs. Beliefs of Christians

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Joseph N. Bell’s article “The War Against Sin Offers Variety of Enemies” (Sept. 21) was disturbing to read. In his article, Bell seemed to take delight in ridiculing the Rev. Lou Sheldon. I wonder if Mr. Bell realizes that his liberal, humanistic article and thinking is an offense to most Christians.

Mr. Bell states that there wouldn’t be much fun in the Rev. Sheldon’s world. That couldn’t be further from the truth. The closer one comes to living a life pleasing to God, the closer one is to genuine and lasting peace and joy. The happiest people I know are those who try, like the Rev. Sheldon, to follow the life outlined and practiced by Jesus. The unhappiest are those who try to rationalize why they don’t see the need to do so.

Mr. Bell just couldn’t be more wrong when he says nobody has a “direct pipeline to God.” The Bible teaches us that God hears the righteous man’s prayers and that he answers those prayers. But Bell is correct when he states that “one should not follow the advice of either him or the Rev. Sheldon” and that instead one must think it through for oneself. That is true--but only true when one seeks the guidance and wisdom of God as he searches for that truth in the Bible. Wise men still do seek him. Only a fool thinks he, or any mortal man, has such profound answers. Jesus is the source of truth, and it is He we must follow.


Bonnie O’Neil,

Newport Beach
