
COUNTYWIDE : Anti-Drug Events Planned All Week

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Thousands of red ribbons are expected to flutter from cars and lapels today as Red Ribbon Week begins, a national observance of the anti-drug movement.

Schools, cities, churches, colleges and businesses are planning “wear red” days, soap box derbies, skateboarding exhibitions, picnics and other activities to mark the week, said Ellin Chariton, chairwoman of the Orange County Red Ribbon Organizing Committee.

The Red Ribbon Campaign began in California in 1985 when Enrique Camarena, a federal drug enforcement agent, was murdered in Mexico by drug traffickers. Since then, the red ribbon has grown to represent a national call to reduce the demand for drugs.


Wearing a red ribbon says “it’s OK to be drug free,” Chariton said. “Just saying no to drugs is not enough. We want people to make a positive affirmation that my choice is to be drug free.”

The Red Ribbon committee is encouraging residents to wear a red ribbon all week to show a commitment to building drug-free communities, schools and workplaces, she said. More than 700,000 red ribbons will be distributed to schoolchildren by the Sheriff’s Department.

In the Capistrano Unified School District, bus drivers, teachers, principals and cafeteria workers all will wear red ribbons.


“We want children to be bombarded by the same constant message from adults around them,” district spokeswoman Jackie Cerra said. “If it saves just one life, it’s all worth it.”

The week’s events include:

* Wednesday: Wear Red Day.

* Thursday: “Choices,” a series of short videos, will premier at the Edwards Cinema in Fashion Island in Newport Beach. The public service announcements aimed at youths were produced by a group of high school students who are members of the Orange County Sheriff’s Student Advisory Council. The anti-drug spots will be shown before movies at Edwards Cinemas throughout the county for a year.

* Saturday: Red Ribbon Community Fair and Soap Box Derby, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saddleback Community College, 28000 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo. As many as 50 soapbox racers will compete for cash prizes. There will also be a twister tournament to raise money for the March of Dimes, beginning at 10 a.m. Carnival games, skateboarding exhibitions, karate demonstrations, face painters, bands and food booths are also planned. A U.S. Postal Service booth will offer the “Hugs Not Drugs” souvenir cancellations at the fair.


* Sunday: Red Ribbon Finale Community Picnic, noon to 5 p.m., Bonita Canyon Park, 1304 Calle Valle, San Clemente. The city’s chief of police, Albert C. Ehlow, will announce poster and essay contest winners at noon. At 2 p.m., San Clemente City Hall employees and the Chamber of Commerce will square off in a softball game. Live entertainment, and food booths are planned.
