
‘Social’ Solution for Housing

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In response to Chester Hartman’s column “U.S. Housing Needs ‘Social’ Solution,” Op-Ed Page, Oct. 6:

Hartman’s “social” solution to the nation’s housing problem is exactly that, “socialism.”

Both he and our local politicians are under the same delusion that somehow more welfare and more regulation will result in decent, affordable housing.

Excess profits breed competition. That is what built this country, including its housing, and gave our people the highest standard of living in the world. There were times, before rent control, when landlords competed against each other in providing services and amenities, and tenants had their pick of affordable housing.


It has been said that welfare is like drugs, at first pleasant, then habit-forming and ultimately destructive. Welfare robs people of their self-respect and gives them a disincentive to find work.

Excessive regulation, especially rent control, has the opposite of its intended effect. It discourages investment in new multifamily housing, thereby reducing the supply and forcing up rents for everyone. As a result, low-income families are outbid for existing housing that would otherwise be within their reach.

The for-profit system has not failed, it is being destroyed by well-meaning socialists.


Los Angeles
