
BUENA PARK : Police Call Turns Up a Tough Customer


Police answering a call about a family disturbance discovered more than they expected Sunday night.

The officers, responding to an 8 p.m. report of a fight, arrived to find an alligator in the house.

When they checked with Orange County Animal Control, the officers learned that the residents do not have a permit to keep an alligator, police said. They called animal control workers to impound the animal.


But animal control wouldn’t take the caymen, which measures 2 1/2 to 3 feet, said Lt. Gary Hicken.

Officers then ordered the resident, who said he was keeping it for a friend, to put the animal in a box. When the man tried, Hicken said, the caymen “went berserk.” Finally, the resident put the animal back in the acquarium where officers found it.
