
Teacher Safety

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I am a high school math teacher, and I was amazed read about the cowardly and anti-teacher action taken by the Burbank Unified School District regarding a teacher who was assaulted by a student (Metro, Oct. 21).

I cannot understand why the superintendent, Arthur Pierce, and the school board would allow a student who has struck a teacher and threatened that teacher’s life to remain in school. I have to conclude that the district considers the safety of teachers to be a low priority. The message of the district is clear, and I am angered by the disdain the board members apparently have for the teachers in the Burbank district. Pierce claims that he is concerned about school safety in the article, but what does “working together” to improve school security really mean? Should teachers now be armed to defend themselves? It seems that Pierce expects Burbank teachers to take abuse and serious threats of violence as part of their job.

I was encouraged to see that the teachers at Burroughs High School took some positive action to try to convince the board to change its mind. But it appears from the comments of Pierce that an unwise decision will be allowed to stand.



Los Angeles
