
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Is Tipper Gore’s...

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QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Is Tipper Gore’s Parents Music Resource Center campaign to clean up rock lyrics having a chilling effect on pop artists? You bet--at least that’s what Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler told Spin magazine last month: “We didn’t print the lyrics on the ‘Pump’ album because (Geffen Records) didn’t want any (trouble) with the PMRC. When they hear something they don’t like, the PMRC gets a bunch of mothers with picket signs to march around Strawberry’s (a record chain) in some mall and when the owners of the mall find out what the disturbance is--that there’s a record in the store that women are boycotting--they pull the record. Then your record’s not in Des Moines, Iowa, and what’s the good of that if you’re in the business of selling records?”
