
DANA POINT : Fire-Sprinkler Law Passed by Council

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A law requiring sprinklers to be installed in new buildings was passed this week by the City Council.

Under the local ordinance, approved unanimously by the council, all new homes, apartments and commercial buildings must have fire sprinklers.

Councilwoman Ingrid McGuire expressed reservations over the law, saying that the sprinklers would drive up the price of a new home by $2,000.


“I am somewhat concerned that the additional requirements . . . will make it more difficult for people to buy new housing,” McGuire said.

The city had received a letter from the Orange County Building Industry Assn. urging that the law be rejected.

The sprinklers are “probably not popular with developers,” said Councilwoman Judy Curreri, “but we have a responsibility to do things that are helpful to the quality of life.”
