
Drug Busts

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On Dec. 19, The Times reported that a 5,000-pound seizure of cocaine would spoil a “white” Christmas for the cocaine addicts of Los Angeles. A similar claim was made in September when 21 tons of cocaine was captured at a warehouse in Sylmar. But today, I contacted five different cocaine dealers and asked if I could purchase anything, and they all said, “Sure, no problem.” I conducted the same survey in September and got the same response.

My conclusion is that there never has been, and never will be, a cocaine bust that affects the availability of cocaine on the street in any way whatsoever. All the authorities are doing is driving up the prices, therefore, driving up the profits for the drug kingpins, and making addicts that more desperate for cash, which they will get by conducting more robberies. So the next time you come home to find all your stereo equipment stolen, you can thank the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Los Angeles Police Department.


