
Losing CBA Coach Is Charged With Assault

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Charley Rosen, coach of the Rockford (Ill.) Lightning of the Continental Basketball Assn., was arrested after storming out of a locker room and punching the coach of the Cedars Rapids, Iowa, team.

Rosen, 49, a former English professor and sportswriter, was charged Friday night with assault, interference with official acts and disorderly conduct. He posted $405 bond and left Cedar Rapids with his team.

The dispute began after Rosen was kicked out of the game with 90 seconds left after receiving his second technical foul. He attempted to charge Cedar Rapids Coach George Whittaker, but was restrained by officials.


As the players were leaving the court after Cedar Rapids’ 119-98 victory, Rosen again charged Whittaker, witnesses said. Security men and police wrestled Rosen away from Whittaker and pushed him back into the locker room. Additional police were called in to arrest Rosen, described in the CBA media guide as the league’s tallest coach at 6-foot-8.

Rosen has been suspended by the league on at least two occasions. His last run-in was on Nov. 26, 1988, when he drew four technical fouls in a game at Rapid City, S.D., and accused the officials of fixing the game. The league suspended him for four games, fined him an undisclosed amount and placed him on probation.
