
COMEDY REVIEW : The Funny but Weird World of a ‘Love Goddess’


Converts to Judy-ism are expected to follow strict cult guidelines: Judy Tenuta, the “petite flower” of their universe, must be raised above all others, come hell or low humor.

Men especially must find joy in being faceless among her minions of “stud puppets.” They must be prepared to accept abuse; in fact, they should welcome it. An adoring smile works better than an adoring whimper when pleasing Judy, but a whimper will do.

Tenuta is holding her own revival meetings at the Improv through Sunday, preaching her gospel with her glittering accordion in hand, dressed in a swirl of gold and pink, and shifting from a tittering Miss Piggy voice to something that might come out of a trucker in a fighting mood.


Tuesday’s show started with a little traveling music; Tom Jones’ “She’s a Lady” set to a squeeze-box beat. Next, a moment for bonding: “Hot Irvine love pigs!” she shouted. Then, a touch softer: “You people are my whole life. That’s how bad things are.” Finally, the devotee’s pledge:

“I promise to destroy all hogs who do not worship Judy.”

So, what’s the deal with this, anyway? The trick to enjoying Tenuta is, simply, buying her routine, being a sport and swimming into the crazed, unsubtle currents she creates. On a big-brain level, this stuff may toy with the quagmire of male/female relationships, especially when stereotyping and power scams mix with a little sex, a little dominance, a little dependency--and a lot of foolishness. Tenuta probably wouldn’t like all that thinking, though.

Mainly, she’s into mockery (self-mockery included), sarcasm, acting out (her indulgences, at times, are reminiscent of the startling Emo Philips), and surprising us, which she does often. Still, all the weird jokes and stories can be more curious than amusing. Paying too close attention won’t make it here--you have to be willing to let all the strangeness settle in.

It was funny, in a voyeuristic way, when she brought a hapless follower up and rode him, pony-style, all over the stage. Even Tenuta was struck by how willing her “love hog” was; this one gratefully oinked on cue and everything.

As she had announced earlier, “I can make men put on aprons and can red beets!”

When not thumping on the “love goddess” drum, Tenuta offered chummy anecdotes about her family and a variety of observations, some even political. She fondly remembered her brother, Bosco, by telling some guy in the audience that “he’s like you, but with a human head.” Then her grandparents came to mind. “I love my grandparents because sometimes you need a ride to the airport.”


Veering from those offerings, Tenuta thought about George Bush. She reminded everybody that he “suffers from Reaganheimer’s disease” and always “sounds authoritative, like Mr. Rodgers but without the male hormones.” As for those “1,000 points of light” he keeps talking about, Tenuta suggested Bush could achieve the desired effect if he “put a candle in Dan Quayle’s head.”

Near the close, Tenuta took a moment to get catty vis a vis Roseanne Barr. Puffing up her own slim body and working a devastating Barr-like monotone, she answered a few weak jeers by screaming, “I AM THE ONLY LOVE GODDESS!”

In the land of Judy-ism, there is no room for false idols.

Judy Tenuta performs through Thursday at 8:30 p.m.; Friday at 8:30 and 10:30 p.m.; Saturday at 8 and 10:30 p.m., and Sunday at 8:30 p.m. at the Improvisation, 4255 Campus Drive, Irvine. Tickets: $10 to $15. (714) 854-5455.
