
SANTA ANA : Police Disarm Man in Domestic Dispute

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After first firing a shot that missed, police late Saturday disarmed and subdued a 52-year-old man who had allegedly threatened family members with a loaded pistol inside their home, authorities reported.

Isauro Mendoza Mora of Santa Ana was held in the incident on suspicion of with assaulting a police officer with a deadly weapon, Sgt. Kevin Brown said Sunday. Brown said officers wrestled a 9-mm handgun from Mora on the porch of his house at 1006 S. Karen St.

According to police reports, at least two officers went to Mora’s home at about 11:10 p.m. to handle a quarrel. As family members fled out the front door, police entered the house and saw Mora carrying a handgun, Brown said.


When Mora advanced on them, an officer fired one shot, but missed, Brown said. According to police, Mora was disarmed on the front porch, where one officer grabbed the gun while a second struck Mora on the head.

“It’s just fortunate that no one was seriously hurt,” Brown said.

“My father was in the wrong,” said Mora’s son, Jose. “He hit my mother and gave her a black eye.”

“Look at the bullet holes in the wall,” Jose Mora told a reporter. “He was trying to scare her I guess. He was acting crazy.”


Isauro Mora, who was treated for injuries to his face and head, was being held in Orange County Jail. Brown said no officers were injured in the encounter.
