
Morning Meetings of County School Board


Why is it that, unlike all the school districts in the county, the Orange County Department of Education Board of Trustees insists upon holding morning meetings when practically none of the voting public can attend? This practice most certainly does not serve the public interest and is reflective of their other anachronistic practices.

It is bad enough that the majority of the board rubber stamps every decision of this wasteful bureaucracy to the tune of up to $66 million a year, but then insult is added to injury by their attempt to exclude all possibility of public input. Board of Trustees President Elizabeth Parker shows little leadership ability with regard to the real needs of the 27 school districts which the OCDE purportedly “serves” by continuing to vote in favor of allowing this dinosaur agency to grow unchecked as it has these many long years.

Wake up Orange County! This is your money. It continues to be spent on colossal salaries, benefits and junkets for staff bureaucrats while county teachers remain underpaid.


But, there’s hope. You can do something about helping to turn this situation around when you go to the polls next June.


Corona del Mar
