
PLACENTIA : City Gives $18,000 to Festival of Cultures


The city has set aside $18,000 for its first Festival of Cultures, to be held June 2.

The event would be similar to Placentia’s Heritage Days, said James Soto, the city’s director of recreation and human services.

“We’re hoping it will be so successful it will become a yearly event,” Soto said.

The festival will include entertainment, food, craft and game booths representing various ethnic cultures. A portable stage will feature cultural music and dances, and the city will display the equipment used for street maintenance and emergency response efforts.

Food and craft booths will be on Santa Fe Avenue, with priority space given to nonprofit clubs and organizations.


A beer garden, to be located on Main Street south of the Santa Fe intersection, also is planned.

Several local clubs and organizations will be invited to operate the concession, and a lottery system will be used to select the beer vendor.

The city expects to pay for the festival with revenues from renting food and game booths to vendors, but city staff asked for up to $18,000 to cover expenses if the number of vendors is smaller than expected, Soto said.
