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Do you remember the Whittier earthquake? We do. It was on Oct. 1, 1987, the same day the Ventura County edition of the Los Angeles Times first began showing up on doorsteps around the county. We recognized that a vital, growing place needed a section of its own, and we started providing one every Thursday.

If we have once again jolted you awake--actually we take credit only for the section not the quake--it’s with good reason. With the advent of our daily news section, we thought the time was right for a new look and a new tone on Thursdays.

So welcome to Ventura County Life, put together with the idea that if a place has a lot going on and lots of people enjoying, observing and just plain thinking about it, than we should be writing about it.


Every week we will guide readers to leisure and entertainment events around the county. We will tell you what we think about local restaurants, clubs and outdoor spots, offer ideas for things to do with the kids and give you tips on locally grown produce and seafood. Of course, we will also be giving you features describing local life and trends, as illustrated by today’s cover story on horses.

And, just like that first October 1, 1987, section, we’ll do it with a bang.
