
BUENA PARK : City Tries to Expedite Water Well’s Repair

To expedite emergency repairs of one of the city’s major water wells, the Engineering Department will ask the City Council tonight to forgo public bidding procedures and award a $28,000 contract to Orange County Pump Co.

The Knott Avenue water well, which is responsible for producing 2,000 gallons of water each minute, stopped operating in February after a pump malfunctioned. Part of the equipment broke off and fell 800 feet to the bottom of the well, causing it to shut down, said Don Jensen, director of engineering.

City officials hope to fix the well before summer when water usage typically skyrockets.

“This is one of our main water wells. We want to get it repaired before the hot months start,” Jensen said. In the event of a shortage, water will be purchased from the Metropolitan Water District, he said.


The Engineering Department is engaged in a project to rehabilitate all major wells. The Knott Avenue well would have been fixed sometime next year, Jensen said.
