
Chamber’s Snub Is ‘Inappropriate’

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The recent discriminatory decision of the Torrance Chamber of Commerce against the Miss Torrance-Beach Cities Pageant is totally inappropriate for such a prominent organization.

The pageant is not different from any other local, nonprofit organization. Why in the world is it such a problem to allow young women from outside the city of Torrance to compete for scholarships in Torrance? Next, we will disallow children from other cities to participate in soccer and baseball or use the YMCA, or turn away students who wish to attend Torrance’s adult school system or use Torrance’s hospitals.

Interestingly enough, 20% of the Torrance Chamber of Commerce membership is from as far away as Ventura and Orange counties. Organizations such as the Torrance Rose Parade Float Assn., the YMCA, Little Company of Mary Hospital and Torrance Memorial Hospital all solicit outside the city for volunteers and financial aid, with no problems because of their location.


Andrea Reeder, the executive director of the Miss Torrance-Beach Cities pageant--who also is a chamber member--was publicly labeled as difficult and demanding. Since when does a chamber manager verbally abuse its own members and tell them how to run their business? I know Ms. Reeder very well; she does an enormous amount of volunteer service in the deaf community and for her pageant. She works long hours for the benefit of Miss Torrance-Beach Cities contestants, and for no compensation other than the satisfaction of doing a good job. She is a quiet, unassuming, tenacious woman who has diligently tried to comply with the demands of the City Council and the Torrance Chamber of Commerce.

The current Miss Torrance-Beach Cities, Connie Leamon, does not deserve to be snubbed by our so-called “Pillars of the Community.” Connie lived in Torrance in the past and moved to Lawndale for economic reasons. She attends El Camino College, teaches vacation Bible school and coaches children in softball and soccer. I would rather be supportive of someone like Connie than have the city of Torrance spend megabucks on gangs, drunks, drug abusers, etc., who probably aren’t going to use such money to improve themselves--as Connie certainly would, and does. And by the way, the chamber never has given any funds to the pageant.

Until recently the chamber was supportive emotionally. And emotional support from its hometown chamber is all the pageant wants.


The message of the Torrance Chamber of Commerce to Connie Leamon was, “Connie Leamon, you are not welcome in Torrance because you can’t afford to live here.” Well, maybe one day Connie Leamon will teach in Torrance, or she might even join the Chamber of Commerce. What an asset she would be.


former field director

Miss California Pageant

Rolling Hills
