
‘Worst Article’ Wasn’t All Bad: Spelling Was Correct


Dear Ms. Klein,

I read your Sunday, March 18, column with an ever-increasing sense of apprehension . . . paragraph after more absurd paragraph. Errors, convoluted logic, bizarre social commentary, misplaced ethics, incorrect constitutional knowledge, etc. etc.

The only good news was that as I recall--your spelling was correct. Pity that whoever did the proof on the spelling didn’t work on your contents also.

Wow!! So far that’s the worst article of the year . . . anywhere.

Jack McDonald,

Fullerton. Does that mean you didn’t like it, Jack? I know. The idea of equal rights for gays and lesbians gets under a lot of people’s skin. Many, many other people called or wrote letters to tell me how they felt about it, too. Jack, surprisingly, your views were in the minority. (A minority, Jack. Sorry. I know how that must make you feel.) But your letter was one of the few in this camp that was signed and/or didn’t include anything unprintable. Plus, I kind of liked it.


Here’s another one, from the other side. Dear Ms. Klein:

I’m writing to tell you I enjoyed the hell out of your “gays” column today. Part of my pleasure was derived from imagining “Rambo” Ferguson, “Top Gun” Dornan or “Stupid” Dannemeyer or their fans reacting. Your forceful delivery of your points really made it fun to read. . . . Go gettum, Dianne!

Ben George,

Santa Ana.

No need to imagine too much, Ben. The Honorable William E. Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton) wrote a letter to the editor about the column. He didn’t like it. Dear Dianne,

In reference to your column on “Ali Fans Get a Whiff of the Champ.” (Champ? Of What?) . . . This loud-mouthed phony only took the name “Ali” and so-called religious beliefs after he was required to serve in the armed forces, which he got out of solely because he had enough money. (Nothing like Elvis Presley.)

I think he should bathe in cologne every 12 hours. (Know what I mean?) . . .


Leon Chaney,


I’m not exactly sure what you mean, Leon, but I like your style. To: Ms. D. Klein

From: R. Siemion

Re: Your 3-28-90 article about 405 Fwy at El Toro “Y.”

Dear Ms. Klein,

I read your article and thought at the end you might conclude Joe El-Harake was incorrect. He spouts the normal Caltrans line of motorists fault.

I have driven the 405 to “Y” for the last eight years and between 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. traffic is ALWAYS bumper to bumper from Orange County Airport to Mission Viejo. It is not driver error. It is not enough lanes and improper design.

It appears ever since Jerry Brown’s administration allowed gas tax revenue to be directed to the state’s General Fund all highway flexibility and construction ended. I hope you could address that issue. . . .


Ralph Siemion

Laguna Hills

P.S. Thanks for letting me vent my frustration.

Hey, no problem, Ralph. Just sorry I can only be of help in venting. Sounds like you wrote your letter moments after stepping out from behind the wheel. By the way, a lot of others called to vent, too. Seems traffic is a great conversation starter in Orange County. Hi, Dianne Klein,

I just love your articles in The Times. First thing I read. So few people today with any humor.


Am enclosing a census form. I got one and filled it out the next day. Today another one arrived. You figure which reason is right!

I am fat. Do they think I am two people?

I am 85 years old. They want me to fill this out for the year 2000, knowing I won’t be here? . . .

Good luck and please write many more articles!

Jo Brett

Huntington Beach

Thanks for the census form, Jo. And I loved the color photographs of your aloe vera plant and Buddha statue. The postcard of the Chinese horoscope was great, too. Unfortunately, your photograph was missing. Without that I’m afraid I’m unable to venture a guess as to why the Census Bureau sent you two forms. I mean, how fat is fat?

Dear Ms. Klein:

Just a note to let you know that perhaps you should have a chat with your superiors there at The Times. They seem to be getting a bit too bold in slanting their presentation of the “news”; if they aren’t careful the biomass that reads their paper might get wise. . . .

The point, Dianne, is that it is just getting too obvious. If they want to keep using the front page as an editorial page, and not have the biomass figure it out, they are going to have to find a variation on the “study says” theme. . . . Talk to them Dianne. No more Johnny-One-Note, let’s get imaginative!

By the way, I like your new picture. It looks a lot more genteel, more “Orange County.” That Joan Rivers look-alike picture just didn’t make it.



A. Rooney

This is the third time you’ve written me, A. If a first name is still a little too informal for you, how about a Mr., Mrs., Miss or Ms? I realize that the city you’re writing from might be asking too much.

Oh, wait a minute. Now I get it. This is one of those too-weird-to-be-true letters that bored college kids send Ann Landers and Dear Abby. They, too, expose them in their columns. The tip-off, A.? Studies say the biomass would never connect Joan Rivers with Orange County.

Dianne Klein’s column appears Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Readers may reach Klein by writing to her at The Times Orange County Edition, 1375 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626, or calling (714) 966-7406.
