
Concerns Over Proposed Courthouse


I was very disappointed in the article that appeared April 22, “Chatsworth Group Aims to Block New Courthouse.” The article failed to elaborate on such concerns as the potential decline in property values, the increase in traffic and the use of streets for parking by those unwilling or unable to park at the courthouse.

The article emphasized the convenience of paying parking tickets. But more important is that felony cases, including drug, robbery and murder-related cases, will be brought to this community. This will impose a serious threat to our safety, especially to our children. The community feels that the quality of our lives and the quality of our area will deteriorate.

There are five suitable parcels in the northwest Valley that do not encroach on any residential area. A commercial/industrial area is much more suitable for a courthouse and should be considered before the proposed site at Winnetka Avenue and Plummer Street.


The failure of County Supervisor Mike Antonovich to commit himself to this serious issue is unacceptable. He is an elected representative and has the responsibility to inform the community of his position.


