
Columbia River Surplus Water


If Supervisor Hahn thinks we Northwesterners will give up our water so pleasure-seeking Angelenos can continue filling their swimming pools and generally wasting water, he can think again.

It isn’t going to happen. We will not ruin our fisheries, agriculture, our economy in general, to help materialistic resource wasters. Southern California wouldn’t be facing a water crisis if its people hadn’t paved over nearly every square foot of Mother Earth. My, God, you people even cement the sides and bottoms of your rivers! There is no way rain water can soak into the earth and recharge the aquifers.

Following are four suggestions that will help your semi-permanent drought problem: Plant more trees and shrubs; rip up some of the needless concrete and asphalt; remove the concrete lining of the Los Angeles River and the other rivers treated in like manner, and ride public transportation. That will reduce the deadly smog and allow more trees to survive. This will help change your climate toward a wetter cycle.



Mount Vernon, Wash.
