
Pueblo Commander Bucher’s Long Fight for Recognition


I just finished the story on the Pueblo capture and subsequent beatings and torture of Bucher and his men and it brought tears to my eyes as I read it.

Through the years I have read many accounts of this incident and I thought I had made up my mind about the reasons for their capture as well as the inaction on the part of the U.S. government on their behalf. Throughout the reading of the article I kept thinking what President Reagan would have done and I am certain Commander Bucher has also thought of this many times. As Libya’s Moammar Kadafi learned to his dismay it doesn’t pay to mess with Uncle Sam.

Unfortunately, we did not have a President who was decisive enough to send out help for the Pueblo in January, 1968.


This story has taught me the importance of electing a President who will be courageous as well as decisive when the time comes. This is not a story of politics but realizing that the job of President of the United States is more than speeches and paying back favors to get elected.

To Commander Bucher and his men I would like to say, “In my book you were and are great Americans and deserve to be put up there with the best of the patriots this country has to offer. Thank you all for serving our country so courageously.”


