
Poindexter Sentenced to Prison for Role in Iran-Contra Scandal

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Once again, we see that individuals accused and convicted of “white-collar crimes” are treated differently from those individuals charged with other criminal offenses. If you look at the consequences of the conduct of Poindexter and the other “convicts” of the Iran-Contra affair, you see the following: People were killed as a result of their participation in the military conduct on behalf of the Contras; people were killed by those who were acting on behalf of the Contras; Poindexter and others actually conspired to violate the Boland Amendment which prohibited aid to the Contras; and Poindexter covered up all of these atrocities and lied to Congress.

Did you notice his sigh of relief when he was sentenced to only six months in custody? Of course, he was allowed to remain free on bail pending his appeals. The bottom line is there is a different--preferential if you will--treatment for white-collar criminals that is inherent in our criminal justice system.

A two-time offender of petty theft who lived in Compton would not be walking the streets. Where is the equal protection under the law?



