
Estimated Costs of Nuclear Waste Cleanup Work Soar

<i> Associated Press</i>

The Energy Department is increasing by nearly 50% its five-year estimate of the cost of storing and cleaning up wastes from nuclear weapons production, a spokesman said Monday.

A new department report to be made public today also predicts a doubling of cleanup staff may be necessary.

The five-year total through fiscal year 1995 will exceed $28.6 billion, compared with the $19.5 billion the department estimated six months ago, according to a copy of the report summary made available by aides to Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.).


“Such growth cannot now be managed responsibly and effectively, given the inadequacy of the DOE, contractor, industry and regulator infrastructure,” the report said.

Paul Grimm, assistant secretary for defense programs and director of the department’s environmental, safety and health coordination staff, said that in addition to new problems discovered at waste sites, the increased costs are the result of stricter state and federal regulations governing waste disposal.
